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7:20 PM, Jan 2, 2008 toot this
It's 2008
My New Year's Eve was fun, but there wasn't much to it. I went to Geoff and Katie's, across the street to start off. They were having a pre-party for the event they were planning to attend over at Vinino. I got to talk with some people I hadn't seen in a couple of months, and I got to try two of the three Boulevard Smokestack beers that I hadn't tried yet. I am still undecided about them. I think my palate is moving away from Belgian beers, due to their often overwhelming sweetness.

After that I got in the car and drove down to Chris' place just south of Midtown, where he was entertaining some pseudo-out-of-town guests with whom he went to college in Columbia. He told me that me driving would be appreciated, since everyone would need a ride down to the Crossroads, where they were planning on celebrating their New Year. We had some unrecognizable conversations, and the time came to get going. I announced that I had room for three, maybe four people in my car, and was then told, "oh, we're all driving our own cars." Well, not that extreme, but enough that not a single person rode with me, meaning I drove on New Year's Eve for basically nothing.

I went over to West 39th, parked the car, and met Craig and Amber at Gilhouly's, where we sat and watched the ball drop in some-odd place, enjoying cheap, terrible champagne, and each other's company. Thinking back, I don't think there's any place I would rather have been. There's no better way to describe it. It was great. We were chased out the door at 1:30am, and so we went over to the Newsroom for a nightcap. Amber's affinity for rum and coke caught up with her there, and we left pretty quickly.

Erp dropped me off at my house, and I slept soundly through the night, waking up the next day with no hangover at all.

I'm not working during the day this week, because we have year-end monitoring to attend to. Basically, a bunch of mainframes that we don't support run through some kind of billing cycle for whatever runs on them, and if something goes wrong, the old people that support them will fix it. Nevertheless, we are required to serve our terms in the war room at work, as a gesture on the part of management to our customers, so they can pledge to the customer the unbelievable degree of service we provide. This translates to a lot of sitting around and watching movies. Some people even sleep. I'll be consuming dangerous amounts of caffeine, watching episodes from the first season of Battlestar Galactica, and getting in some programming for the future of this website.

I'll rap at you later.

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