8:59 PM, Jun 12, 2003
6/12/2003 9:59 PM
This has been the worst night at work that I have yet experienced. Don't get me wrong, it's quite invigorating to be busy all night, and not looking for something to do to pass the time. It's just that the platform that I have been working with this week has been the least stable set of software that I can recall using, in recent memory. It makes me wonder why my employer spends so much money on it. I was actually told by an appadmin last night that he wasn't going to fix anything, and that I would have to carry out routine work without the use of the software his team supports. That blew me away. His only justification, as far as I saw, was that he didn't want to wake up to do his job.
Anyway, I have one more night, "in the shit," tonight. I absolutely cannot wait until next week, when I'll be supporting something else at work.