6:01 PM, Jun 26, 2006
Kicky Practice
The kickball
team got together at Mulkey Square Park, last night, and did some practicing. I think some fundamentals were definitely batted around, but we didn't have enough people. I suppose I should send out the invitation a little more than two days in advance, next time. We all took it in turns to kick, field, pitch, and in Liz, Maggie, and Kelly's case, smoke. After the rousing practice, of which we need more, Liz, Kelly, Jeff and I ran down to Minsky's on the City Market for some so-so pizza and terrible service.
I spent the remainder of my Sunday quietly typing various things at my computer, and watching my oft-neglected copy of
Raising Arizona. I slept heavily, content with a pleasant weekend.
Cole was sure you'd want to know:
I just bought Raising Arizona a couple of weeks ago. I made my 12 year old sister watch it. I didn't realize before it was Coen brothers movie. I guess that might be because I don't watch all movies on my computer so I can compulsively use IMDB on everyone and their dog handlers.
10:37 PM, Jun 26, 2006