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6:01 PM, Jun 22, 2006 toot this
Sweeps and Ribs
Once again, we got our butts handed to us in kickball, last night. After the game, Maggie generously dropped me off at Grinders, where only Terra and Amanda had convened. Everyone else slipped off. After a couple drinks, and some delicious tots, we called it a night. Rather, Terra and Amanda called it a night. I asked to be dropped off at 12Baltimore, where Chris the friendly bartender was pouring some kind of Schlafly seasonal, and the SkillsUSA people were eager to converse and commiserate. I went home after that, thoroughly pooped.

I woke up hung over, this morning, and met up with Geoff for the BCTC day at the ballpark, where we watched the Royals, of all teams, complete a sweep, in a 15-7 win over the dead-last Pittsburgh Pirates. The sun was merciless. I have sunburn on all exposed segments of my body, including my damned scalp. After the game, we went to BB's Lawnside, way down south, where I ate what were perhaps the greatest pork ribs ever served, some heavenly potato salad, and some unfairly delicious baked beans that I couldn't finish.

We took the long way home, and came up Troost, all the way from 85th. It was a lovely day. I think I'm done, though.


chrizow chimed in with:
sounds like a quintessentially kansas city day.

10:08 PM, Jun 22, 2006

bahua wants you to know:
So, I wasn't finished. I met up with Josh, Callie, Geoff, Katie, and Matt down at O'Dowd's. O'Dowd's, as usual, became completely horrible, so Josh, Callie and I caught the bus up to 39th, and went up to Harling's. There were probably twelve people in there, and pitchers of Pale Ale were $7.25. Some dude was spinning funk and soul in the corner, making for a great musical backdrop. What is the obsession people have with the god-damned Plaza? I hate it more every time I go.

After Harling's, I walked up to the bus stop at 39th and Main just in time to catch a northbound 57 bus. I am home now, and sleep is near.

11:01 AM, Jun 23, 2006

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