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8:58 AM, Apr 18, 2004 toot this
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Bully Porter
Last night, I gave Nathan a call, and we went out and spent an ungodly amount of money on beer and fun. We started the evening off at Harry's Country Club, down in the River Market area. When our waitress promptly stopped by to take our drink orders, I asked my default question: "What do you have on tap?" Nathan ordered a Chimay.


She went through an impressive list of about ten beers, and finished off with the one I expected least: Boulevard's Bully Porter. It is brewed in Kansas City, and is available throughout Boulevard's current distribution range, which currently covers several cities, in nine states. However, Bully Porter seems notoriously difficult to find on tap anywhere. I know of a couple of bars that have had it on tap before, but stopped, because they (presumably) just couldn't move the stuff.

This is a shame, because it's one of the tastiest beers I know of, that's made in Kansas City. It's certainly my favorite of Boulevard's all-season beers. It is definitely the heaviest of all their offerings, and probably the least popular, because of this. Anyway, the waitress cheerfully brought out the draught of the week, along with the finest bottled beer available, for Nathan.


The glass sits a dark brown, almost black, and is completely restrictive of any light passing through it.


The flavor is reminiscent of coffee, and stays with you. It has a particularly pleasant bite when you have been drinking it for a while, as it passes over the sides of your tongue and out the back of your mouth, into your throat. It also stains clothes very well. If your plan is to get drunk from drinking Bully Porter, I'd recommend against brightly-colored clothing, as this stuff is about as tenacious in stain mode as motor oil.

Ratings (out of ten)

Flavor: 8 (heavy, dark, and delicious)

Body: 6 (The flavor stays with you, so it doesn't mix with other beers well.)

Aroma: 7 (It's pungent from up close, but you forget about it after a while.)

Smoothness: 8 (For as strong as it is, it goes down remarkably easily.)

Price: 6 (At 3-4 dollars a pull, it is priced normally.)

After that, we met up with Dave and Mickey, and got drunk.



Lev offered:
Netpimp is a weiner.

11:02 PM, Apr 17, 2004

Wimp brooked no delay in saying:
That looks like a nice tasty dark beer. I might have to try that sometime, as I am a big fan of Blvd Wheat (with lemon, baby) and was unaware that Blvd made a dark beer. Thank you for broadening my horizons (and netpimp is a weiner)

11:12 PM, Apr 17, 2004

AltaX wants you to know:
I think we all agree on the NetPimp is a wiener part. But does it really have to be said.

Wimp, Blvd also makes a tasty stout that is a little easier to find then the porter.

2:56 PM, Apr 18, 2004

Lev wants you to know:
The Bully Porter is my favorite BLVD beer; take that as a high recommendation.

Also, the pictures/logos on DOTW title page should be clickable.

6:22 AM, Apr 22, 2004

bahua wants you to know:
Lev, it is fixed. I will put the finishing touches on the editing thingy when I get back home.

8:25 AM, Apr 24, 2004

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