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3:24 PM, Nov 10, 2008 toot this
Destroyer of Clocks
I just stepped out of my room to possibly see about pouring myself a beer, as we have a hot tap right now(Boulevard Pale Ale). Jeff's cat meowed at me for an early feeding, so I meowed back at him and stretched. I stretched with my hands far over my head, and standing on my toes in an effort to make myself as threatening as possible. The threat, along with the stretch-related relaxation was cut short as I knocked the clock off the wall above my doorway. It clonked me on the head, and my reflexes were not sufficient in halting its downward progress. It crashed on the concrete floor with a newly shaken-loose piece flying off in a westerly direction, and scaring the bejesus out of the cat. He won't be meowing at me for anything for a while.

I sent Jeff a text: "IOU: 1(one) wall clock"

I'm a stupid.


Brad cut in with:

4:31 PM, Nov 10, 2008

I'm with stupid spoiled the calm with:
Even a stopped clock tells the right time twice a day.

4:35 PM, Nov 10, 2008

Jeff brooked no delay in saying:
super glue ftw

9:01 PM, Nov 10, 2008

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