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3:18 PM, Mar 3, 2005 toot this
Stinkymeat Returns
It seems that someone is interested in preserving our history! The Stinkymeat project is back on the web!


The first one kept me well-entertained in early 2001, back when thespark.com didn't suck.


Rachel was sure you'd want to know:
I remember that. I also remember feeling pretty nauseous. Whoo!

10:05 PM, Mar 3, 2005

bahua interjected:
Nope. Sorry. You're wrong. It's awesome, and that is that.

1:59 PM, Mar 4, 2005

Renae chimed in with:
I just visited the stinky meat project. I was able to skim through the 2nd project, but the first one was more than my gag reflux could tolerate! GROSS!

7:14 AM, Mar 19, 2005

Dave commented:
Look, a NEW STINKYMEAT project!!! Just spotted this on Digg...


It seems that some college guys are at it again, except they're putting the plate above a damp shower stall... gross!

7:10 PM, Oct 25, 2007

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