4:25 PM, Nov 4, 2003
Starting the New Job
I have been working the new job for only a couple of days, but I already love it. The people I work with are really friendly, and seem to know what they're talking about, much more than the average person at my previous jobs. I am enjoying the work immensely, though I would love to not be oncall anymore, and just spend my time at work working on tools and things. All in due time, I suppose. For now, I am still just getting used to working days, getting up at 6, and carrying out my life like a normal person. It's been three years since I worked days, and it's not that I dislike it- far from it -it's that I feel like, all of a sudden, I am immersed in the "real world."
I have a pager, an office, a laptop, and more reign than I have ever had at a job. I just hope I don't get used to all of it too soon.
Latey_Mc.Thirdshift was sure you'd want to know:
A curse on you and all others that aren't stuck here on 3rd.
9:39 PM, Nov 4, 2003
Nate cut in with:
Hey, probably the wrong place to place this post, but surfed over from slashdot. Browsed your pics for a while, saw you'd been to Cleveland. I grew up around there in Bay Village (next to Westlake), Dover Gardens Tavern ROCKS!!! I live in Pittsburgh now, but when I got back hitting up the 'Gardens' is a must.
8:14 AM, Nov 5, 2003
bahua spoiled the calm with:
No problem, Nate. Thanks for dropping in. I'm glad you enjoyed the pictures. We went to the Dover Gardens just before the wedding that day, and discovered their $2.25 personal pitchers, and promptly each drank one. We sped over to the church, and each embarrassingly used the bathroom during the service, one after the other.
Immediately after the wedding, we went back, and dragged some people with us. The bartender said, "How was the wedding?" and one of my friends replied, "It was beautiful. Can I have a personal pitcher please?" It was a fun place. Everybody I ever talk to who is from the west suburbs of Cleveland seems to know that place, so I guess it's pretty well-liked, and for good reason.
8:03 AM, Nov 6, 2003
<3 interjected:
<3 cleveland
8:04 PM, Nov 7, 2003