5:24 PM, Apr 15, 2009
Longest Vacation Ever
I have come to what I think is an accurate assessment of my activities on this website. Usually, I'm a pretty positive person. I think if you ask any of my friends, they'll tell you that I'm usually smiles and jokes. Well, as you might imagine, the last six months haven't exactly been an exciting time for me, as I've been missing a lot of personal success, at least regarding my employment situation. If not for the loving support of my wonderful friends and family, I doubt I could have gotten through this hard time with my sanity. I fancy myself a decent writer, but no words I could write could express my gratitude.
But it's because I've felt pretty down that I haven't had a lot of motivation to update this website. When things are more or less normal, I update pretty regularly, but as things have been since October, I haven't been very enthusiastic about relaying the events of my life to anyone. That negativity is all about to change, however.
I got a job offer this morning. I will be going back to my old job at Fort Leavenworth, keeping the computers working while personnel from the Distributed Battle Simulation Program train Army officers on battle command tactics and maneuvers. It's not exactly the salary I was hoping for, and frankly expecting, but it's certainly better than zero. Depending on the urgency of the operation of the HR folks, I may start as soon as April 27th, though I requested my start date be on May 4th, to allow myself time to take a trip that I've been planning since before I became unemployed.
I'm looking forward to getting back into the swing of a real life as a real person, able to do the things that real people do. I'm looking forward to being able to tell someone that there isn't some arbitrary, unknown event that needs to occur before I pay them a visit, or take a trip somewhere with them. I'm looking forward to my money increasing in supply, and not decreasing. I'm looking forward to getting up early, obsessing about stupid crap around the office, dealing with other people's stupid crap, and having to find solutions that others won't provide for themselves. I honestly am. I'm looking forward to programming again. I'm looking forward to traveling, and refilling my tub o' soaps from hotels where I've stayed.
I'm looking forward to rejoining the human race, and not having to tell pretty girls that I'm unemployed.
I'm looking forward to working.
beccanator said:
I'm glad things are coming back together for you, John. Congrats on the new position and best wishes for a smooth...*flourishes the hand from the wrist*...how do you say...ah, yes,... Einstieg. See, that's what happens to a person when they haven't spoken English regularly for a year and a half. Take care, John. Greetings from the Vaterland!
6:06 AM, Apr 20, 2009