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1:02 PM, Jul 16, 2006 toot this
Day One
Day 1 of the actual simulation is underway. We've had some problems, mostly PEBKAC errors. But the Singaporean folks, who didn't attend an instant of the very exhaustive training we gave all last week, have taken it upon themselves to start operating simulation machines, and are beside themselves with indignation when they break something. They're very curious, and like to fiddle with things. Unfortunately, our simulation software isn't really robust enough for wanton fiddling.

Anyway, I hope to get out of here by about 9pm, tonight, go home, and go directly to bed.

It's a gas.

1 comment

Jeff had this to say:
I got home pretty late from the bike ride last night...around 4:30...and went to bed a little after that.

Then I heard your alarm go off as I was going to sleep.


6:24 PM, Jul 16, 2006

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