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4:53 PM, May 26, 2008 toot this
Sweating Through My Shirt
After a long weekend of almost complete sloth, I got a call from Geoff this morning, proposing a run to the Flying Saucer. I happily accepted. After checking off the three unexciting beers I hadn't yet tasted(there), I switched to Rogue's delicious "Love and Hoppiness." After settling our tabs, we agreed we should go to Pizza Bella over by 18th and Baltimore. The rain had cleared and given way to blindingly bright sunshine, so we mostly just felt our way there. We arrived on the doorstep to find that Rob Dalzell gives his employees Memorial Day off. We followed the path of least resistance down Baltimore toward Southwest Boulevard, and after a couple more buildups and disappointments, we had reached the row of Mexican restaurants in the West Side part of the Boulevard, and saw that El Pueblito was open.

We sat down to some two-dollar Modelos and some of the best chimichangas either of us had ever had. After finishing we left, promising ourselves and each other that we'd be back as soon as we were hungry again. We started walking up Summit, and stopped at the 51 stop just before the light for Avenida Cesar Chavez. It was 4:40pm, and the next 51 would be along at 4:49pm. Nine minutes seemed like a perfectly acceptable time to wait for a bus, to me. Geoff wasn't having it though, and insisted that in light of the ridiculous nine-minute wait time, we should walk the 2-mile, 250-foot vertical to get home. I found this odd, considering it was now well into the upper 80s, or at least felt like it.

We walked home, and I wound up having to change my clothes and shower again when I got home. Now, I'm trying to find someone to join me for a movie today.

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@2002-2024, John Kelly