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7:39 AM, Sep 27, 2002 toot this
9/27/2002 8:39 AM
Oktoberfest is this weekend, and I plan on getting woozy, umppa'ing all over the place, swaying back and forth, and dropping a good deal of my freshly deposited paycheck. it'll be Brian's first outdoor festival in KC. I have really enjoyed the festivals I've attended since I've been here, so I expect he'll have a good time, too. As well, we're moving this weekend, and we'll be quite busy keeping up with that, and the rock-solid monument of dependability that is bahua.com will be down for hopefully a very short time, as we move equipment, and time the new internet connection. I'd knock on wood, but my workplace doesn't have any.

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@2002-2024, John Kelly