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4:10 PM, Jan 13, 2006 toot this
A Recap of Stupidity
The concert was a lot of fun, last night. A little too much fun, actually. Geoff and Greg and I started off with dinner at Cupini's for some manicotti and lasagne that was just out of this world. We walked from there over to the Drum Room, and had a couple relatively overpriced drinks served by an extremely short-handed staff(one bartender), while taking in the sights at downtown's newest bar, along with the classic beauty of the newly reopened Hotel President's main lobby. We ran out the door with about ten minutes to get to 10th and Main, to catch the 173 to the casino. We weren't very optimistic about making the bus(at least I wasn't), but as we reached 12th street, it stopped right in front of us, seemingly out of nowhere.

Harrah's has, in the last couple of months, undergone a very dramatic remodeling. Bars and restaurants line the hallways now, and the people seem eager to please. The drink prices depended on who took our order, at any given point, but generally, I almost always paid the most. We wound up drinking too much, and staying out until after three. Geoff came over to my place and mooched some chicken fingers, while we watched an episode of Arrested Development, and I introduced him to the magic of bittorrent. After finishing the chicken and the TV episode, we noted that it was almost 4 AM. Geoff said good night, and took his leave. On his way, he placed an empty bottle of Gates barbecue sauce on top of my car.

As is the case with carrying cash and drinking beer, I have no idea where all my money went. I specifically recall gambling seven dollars away, but besides that, all my money was exchanged for goods and/or services. When I woke up yesterday morning, I had eighty dollars in my wallet. When I woke up this morning, I had zero. It didn't help that the exhorbitant beer prices didn't slow us down a bit. Geoff, however, was a spending freak, of sorts. He purchased tickets for all four of us to see Vertigo a U2 tribute band, next week at the same location as we went last night. He then proceeded to win sixty dollars playing blackjack.

We had a meeting with the folks over at the Oaks in Leavenworth, to discuss some services we're providing them in exchange for free golf, but we wound up pushing it back to next week, as today was a little chilly for golf. So, instead, We went to Danny Edwards/Little Jake's barbecue with Matt, who was visiting from California. Now, hours later, my fingers still smell like the pork ribs I had. I sure hope that place can hang on, but I think it's just too "real," to survive all the upcoming downtown development. It's a shame, too, because it's some of the best, fastest, and friendliest barbecue in town.

I talked to Heidi and Amy, and it looks like I'll be hanging out with them in Westport and the Plaza, tonight. There's some show going on at the Hurricane, and apparently there some new bar to try out. Tomorrow might be a bit rough.

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